GRATITUDE CHALLENGE; What are you grateful for?

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It's the weekend guys! How are you spending it? Whatever you do, make sure you have fun and you rest. So I was tagged by Moby yesterday in the gratitude challenge. I think this is an amazing challenge because sometimes we forget to be thankful, especially for the little things. So tell me, what are you grateful for?
Before I start, I want to say that I am grateful for this challenge. :)

  1. When nominated you have 24 hours to accept the challenge.
  2. You have to write or say 3 things you are grateful for on any social media platform just once.
  3. You are to take a picture of a simple pleasure. A simple pleasure is something that makes (or made) you smile in a day preferably non humans (because I am sure a lot of people would list the humans as what they are grateful for). For example a cup of coffee, a bottle of your favorite soda or drink, a scoopful of ice cream, a butterfly that just perched on a window, something at your work desk, a game…You get the drift. It is something that should be inexpensive. It is not an opportunity to show off cars, watches, shoes and all the things that people like showing off nowadays.
  4. You have to give out at least 5 USD (convert it to your local currency) within 7 days of accepting the challenge to a less privileged person or a cause or a charity organization. That's about 840 naira.
  5. You nominate three people (within your circle) to take up the challenge.
  6. If you don’t accept the challenge you are required to donate at least 20 USD to a charity organization of your choice.



I'm grateful for my fro!!! Totally in love with my hair :)

For this challenge, i'll be nominating:
Cassie of
Tuke of
Rume of

I'm also tagging everyone that reads this post. I would love for you to share with me, at least one thing you're grateful in the comment box below :)

Finally, I am also grateful for you, yes you reading this post. Have an amazing weekend!

Yours, In gratitude
